Curious About Our Scholars?
Now that they’ve finished their first term exams, our Scholars gave us a few moments and answered some of our burning questions. Some of their answers appear below. We’ll sprinkle more throughout Facebook & Twitter as time goes on.
What was your favorite class last term?
“My favorite class in first term was anatomy because I like to learn the parts of the human body.”
–Priyanka V, nursing student
What was your favorite class last term?
–Shahin, future lawyer
What is one new experience that you’ve had since starting at university?
“Starting at university, I had new experience in college, new environment, new people, new ideas. It has been a special experience.”
–Karishma, future biology professor
What advice would you give to a girl who wants to attend university?
“Do the hard work, learn from even bad experiences, it will help you to achieve your goal.”
–Vaishali, nursing student
What is one thing you’re excited about experiencing at university?
“Big lectures.”
–Karishma, future computer programmer
What will you do after university?
“Further my studies and complete my LLB.”
–Ayasha, future lawyer